Friday, March 28, 2008

it all starts with forgiving

My childhood wasn't an ordinary phase. i was born with the darkest skin among my siblings which became a cross for me since i always get the unkind words from cousins and loved ones. this could probably explain the insecurities i had. well, yes, i had.....

The world suffers from a severe shortage of kindness. We learn cruelty when we’re very young. Remember some of the cutting words you heard on the playground? It’s really no wonder; adults aren’t always great models. We say vindictive things; we accuse each other of all sorts of sins. We spread rumors and hold grudges. Over the centuries, the world has experienced incomprehensible violence because of people’s refusal to treat one another the way God intended.

Jesus knew firsthand how cruel people can be, he was abused, rejected, tortured,, and killed-all in the name of God! If anyone had cause to be bitter and unforgiving, Jesus did. But he set the standard for us when he hung on the cross. Every breath was bringing indescribable pain, but he cried out, “Father. Forgive them.” (Luke 23:34)

Christians ought to be conspicuous by our kindness. We should stand out as people known for our forgiveness. We should be characterized by gentleness. We should have a reputation for our compassion. If we are known, instead, for our bickering and our cruelty, we are unworthy to call ourselves by the name of Christ.

the pains i had to go through as a child left scars which serve as reminders of that bitter part of life. it started as petty as being called an agta but little did they created a scar that left a mark....going through the biopsychosocial aspect of it all, it had a great impact on how i lived my was hard to forgive them and to forgive myself for what i went was not an easy was an unhappy situation to not being able to forgive...even if no apologies were given.

Forgiveness is the ultimate kind of kindness. It’s one thing to show kindness toward someone who has treated you kindly, but it’s quite another to show kindness to someone who has hurt you. That’s forgiveness; when you can do that, you are loving the way Christ loved...

this is just one part of that a start towards taking that risk of showing the world who i am and who i can become...

1 comment:

Ligaya said...

ay naku doc taas na unta kaayo to akong comment nya na-"cannot find server" ko! hehe ugma na lang to oi. basta... welcome to blogspot, hehehehe!! nindot au ka mosuwat...